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Laureli Shimayo
Laureli has a brilliantly insightful and intuitive mind together with an engaging and present heart. Her passion is ThriveTypes Intuitive Eye Readings which she combines with training in Body Psychology, several modalities of psychotherapy, leadership+life+love coaching and business consulting. Laureli mixes science with the art of claircognizance, clairsentience and clairempathy to empower people to be their true selves, make choices that empower their aliveness including choosing to play with others who maximize synergy, joy and growth.
In ThriveTypes, Laureli has Scholar Knowledge, Warrior Efficiency and Sage Communication Talents, Growth Motivation, Think Feel Act to Fluid Communication, Variable Decision-Making, Switchable-Fluid Defense, Variable Pacing, and Fulfillment-Presence World View.
Laureli Shimayo shares Intuitive Eye Readings with ThriveTypes everywhere by video and also at local venues in the northwest including East West Bookshop in Seattle and New Renaissance Bookshop in Portland. Laureli also organizes MeWe Metaphysical & Wellness Events throughout the Northwest and online. Laureli serves a diverse community, and ThriveWise/ThriveTypes/MeWe is an LGBT/NGLCC certified organization.
Are you considering doing a session with Laureli?
Email a photo showing your eyes to get a FREE GLIMPSE of one of your Talents
(Details on Fees (40% off at events)
(Prepare Photos before an appointment)