Those with Inspiration (formerly Priest/Priestess) are passionate, inspiring, focused and clarifying. They are triggered by emotional incongruence, such as when someone avoids the truth. They love growth and transformation and have lessons about speaking in “shoulds” and getting judgmental about the speed at which people are moving towards what’s possible – those with Inspiration want it now! When more mature, people with Inspiration trust the unfolding process of people, groups, and projects reaching their potential. In their presence, others recognize and tap natural motivation to achieve what they really want.
The Lessons of the Inspiration Talent are shown below:
In Lessons 1 & 2, the Inspiration Talent (Priest/Priestess) sees the glass as half empty. They see a vision of what’s possible, and they believe that is how is should be, and that it better get there right now! Others experience them as intense and pushy. They are deeply connected to the gap between what’s here now and their vision, and they judge, criticize and compare. In Lesson 1 they are more explicit and harsh. Some of this they say out loud, and other thoughts are kept inside. People can often see the judgment in their eyes. In Lesson 2 they soften a bit, and sometimes direct their critical attention internally at themselves, especially when Inspiration is their 2nd Talent. The Inspiration gift is about emotions, but at this stage they experience emotions in dramatic swings. Keep in mind, Inspiration in Lessons 1 & 2 still has the same good intentions, and merely doesn’t know how to experience and express in ways that are genuinely supportive of others and unattached to the vision they see.
In Lessons 3 & 4, the Inspiration Talent sees the glass as half full. In Lesson 3, they passionately inspire people and groups. They see a beautiful vision and deeply want to encourage people to stretch and reach for it. They see and feel what is emotionally true for people and recognize when they are out of alignment or not facing the truth. They share this more gently now when they notice (as compared to Lesson 2). As a result, more people can hear and engage this feedback. Inspiration Talent in Lesson 3 wants everyone to be aligned with their purpose – they see what’s possible if this were to happen. Inspiration Talent also has trouble doing anything themselves if it isn’t fully in alignment with their own truth. In Lesson 3 those with Inspiration are learning to fully feel their emotions and express them in healthy ways.
In Lesson 4, those with Inspiration Talent may still see a vision, however they are no longer attached to it manifesting. They also are not attached to any particular timeline. Instead they help align groups to discover where they want to go, what their own collective vision is. Plus they trust the process of projects unfolding and people growing – they are not in a rush. They want people to be genuine and authentic. They demonstrate and are a loving call for others to be real and true.